Thursday, March 17, 2011

You Ain't Just Whistlin' Dixie...

I have had puppies before, so when I hear people make the comment that a puppy is like having a newborn, I usually shrug the notion off as silly. Dixie, our newest family member, has me singing a different tune...
She is beautiful, loving, playful, cute enough to make you forget why you are upset with her, and an absolute night terror. *sigh*
Miss Priss is currently running around the room looking for her next victim, also known as anything that can be chewed on. As I am her chew toy of choice, eventually she will abandon her search, and she will come, whining, to my side of the bed. You see, in addition to her need to chew on me, she must also sleep on me to reach her full resting potential. Nevermind that this interferes with the human sleep schedule...nevermind that she has been bought a variety of chew toys, bones, and her very own bed...those things are cute, but aren't all that is required!
I lay here at 2:30 in the morning, in my bed, knowing that in only a few more minutes, Dixie will begin her assault on my sleeping time. What was I thinking?  I love my sleep...I miss my sleep!
But then, she pokes her head up on the mattress and cries her sad cry, looking at me with those sweet big eyes, and I melt. All she wants in the world(for the next 20 minutes anyway) is to cuddle up as close as she can to her mom. Who wouldn't love that? To be so loved and needed by something who only knows that you are her is then when the thought that tomorrow will be miserable due to my lack of sleep and the pain from her sharp puppy teeth on my arms and legs dissappear... I suppose it is just practice for the day when we have a newborn keeping us up at night...hopefully, though, he/she won't bite!

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